Thursday, November 02, 2006

10-16-2006 PRB Minutes and Our View

a. Bill Alt representing the Skate Club and four youth were now present. A free-wheeling discussion of problems in Lake Leota Park, suspected to be largely caused by skateboarders and bikers, was held among the citizens, members of the board and staff, and other citizens. The chair reported that Police Chief McElroy said that three arrests have been made in the aftermath of the vandalism at the pool, and more were expected. Those already arrested are expected to be dealt with in Juvenile court proceedings in early November. Hamacher said that he saw some 15-20 boarders in the pool on the day of the damage. Alt said that if there were that many people in the pool, he thought that the police department should be able to identify many more than three suspects and arrest them. He urged that those found guilty be made to pay restitution, a fine, and perform community service work. He also said that it didn't appear there was any way under current law to enforce the posted skate park rules. The youth in attendence pointed out that there are different groups of boarders and bikers, that not all boarders should be blamed for the damage caused by other groups. Jacobson and others pointed out that, if those in attendence knew anything about the identities of anyone responsible for any damage or vandalism, they must take the responsibility of reporting what they knew to the authorities. Juergens said it seemed that the Skate Club was moribund, and that people interested in having the park re-opened should re-organize the group. Anderson reported that there had been malicious damage to signs at the skate park, graffiti and trash problems. He said he was very disappointed in the actions of some people who used the park. It was noted that rules prohibit bikers using the skate park equipment, and that maybe those people are jealous and express their unhappiness by vandalism. (This prohibition is due to insurance concerns.) Alt urged more frequent patrols of the park by the police. Juergens suggested that the skate-park equipment not be replaced into the asphalt surface (it is sitting on grass nearby) until next Spring. It would only be replaced if it appears that substantial progress has been made in re-organizing a group of responsible youth who can demonstrate that they will care for the park. One of the kids present asked what would happen if no group formed, and it was suggested that the equipment could be sold to another municipality. Several board members stressed that the situation at the skate park was viewed as very serious and, if significant improvements could not be demonstrated, closing the facility was a strong possibility. Juergens said he would contact the police chief, the city attorney, school officials and staff at the Dean Community Center in an effort to bring together adults who could suggest ways of getting a handle on the situation. It was decided by consensus that the skate park will remain closed until further notice.
After years of advocating, skateboarders in Evansville simply became tired of the PRB and gave up all hope on a true skatepark. Once this skatepark came into existence, it was treated terribly simply due to the fact that wooden ramps don't continue to challenge skaters after they've mastered that obstacle. As a result, they either leave the facility in search of greater challenges or lose respect for the facility.

The skateboarding community needs to rally together and come forth strong in the efforts to create something amazing from this disaster. No longer should money from the city be a factor, we have means of raising our own. No longer should we slip to modular parks. No longer should we be called low-lifes in the community.

The Evansville Skatepark Project is the new mission of the Evansville Skate Club. Advocating, Funding, and Stewarding are the main purpose of the project. The skateboarding community can come up and beyond what society sees us as and create an amazing municipal cement skatepark, which other communities will inspire to create. This new skatepark would require little maintenance and overhead costs and would help meet the needs of the many kids who are veering away from traditional team sports. The recreational offerings in the city of Evansville have to change if we're going to entice kids to put down the video games and go outside and be active.

Yes, this venture will take time, but look at how long it has taken us so far. To ultimately create a skatepark that can be used for all abilities, can be seen as an attraction to bring tourism into our city, and to just simply have a park to be proud of is something we should all take strives to help achieve.


At 2/11/06 10:48 AM, Blogger Rex said...

Don't even think of putting your Skate park on the West Side.
All you do is make excuses ie. It's not good enough,they got bored. Nonsense.
You could barely come up with the 5 grand for the equip you've got now what makes you think you can build an entire park?
Do the city a favor and put it on private land as we the tax payers do not want to pay for a bunch of Delinquent Drug Wimps to have a place to trash.

At 2/11/06 11:32 AM, Blogger Watchin Evansville said...

Why did you let that idiot post???
I say go for it. I think its a few adults, who possibley did some of the dmg, like this jeff dude.
He sounds like the druggie, how ignorant. More supervision is needed. I have walked in the park several times since the skate park opened, and NEVER so any bad behaviour and I doubt very much any 'neighbor' could hear what those kids were saying.
They do need to fix the problems at this skate park before they start thinking about the west side.
Once they do for that, excellent idea.

At 2/11/06 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is the same ' jeff' that has been banned from several other blogs in town due to his nasty attitude, he has nothing productive to add, he needs to shut his big mouth.

At 2/11/06 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were Jeff I would be more worried about the thought there is a group out there who wants to put a dog park on the west side, city funded. Now won't that be fun.

At 2/11/06 1:18 PM, Blogger Rex said...

To pakerfan & Anonymous,

Idiot? You don't even know me you childish puke. Druggie?? Not me. Nasty attitude?? Why? because you don't agree with my opinion? I also have not been banned from any site in town.As a matter of fact I am good friends with quite a few of them.

Whose responsibility is it to supervise these kids? Mine? Hell no. The Police? Hell no. It's there parents responsibility. Not the taxpayers.

These kids had there shot and blew it PERIOD.

Oh and Sarah, I'll make a big stink about the Dog Park as soon as the issue comes up.


At 2/11/06 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Jeff you have been banned from the one, I know that for a fact. Regardless of who you think you are friends with.

The skate park will re open again so get over it. I do agree I think the parents of what ever kids who use this, have to be there to supervise, and if for some reason they can't cover their
'shift' then it does not open that day, ' shift' what ever.

A few kids made bad choices, they are kids. It was not all the kids who use that park.

Pay attention to the park board meetings the issue already has come up about the dog park issue.
They want to put it right their in your ' residential area' .. Yuck.

What they would like, is for the next time a developer is granted permits for extensive building, that developer would have to provide the land for the dog park,
right their in the residential area... I would keep a close eye on that, as like I said, its already been brought up at the park board meeting.

I know Fred Juergens had talked to some people about putting it in the seminary park area, but met with strong resistance from neighbors.

NOW,, When this skate park re opens
I would be willing to volunteer for supervising a shift, Once a week. even though my kids don't use the skate park, and you won't get me to try it, the kids do need something to do.

The city will never recover the money spent, so they need to give it another chance. It would also not hurt to have a maintence schedule, and let these kids and their parents do some of the work required.

At 2/11/06 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't like being called names JEFF, WE don't know you? You sound like a child, just in the language you feel the need to use, and the name calling... Don't like the names, don't dish it out , you can't handle it.

At 2/11/06 2:45 PM, Blogger Watchin Evansville said...

I as well would be willing to volunteer for some shifts, when it reopens. My kids don't use it either but we all have a responsibility.People need to be part of the solution not part of the problem Jeff.
IT is the police dept's responsibility to patrol the park, city property, just like the street that goes in front of your house they patrol..

There are some nasty things that go on at that park, not just kids but adults as well, if anything they need to step up their patrol of the park.. Maybe now that its getting cold people will knock it off.

I do believe at the pool during the summer if there is someone, not just a kid, being abusive, not following the rules, if I remember correctly they can and have the right to ban people from the pool for the season.

I think if worst comes to worst thats what will have to happen at the skate park, if there are certain kids constantly breaking the rules, and being disrespectful
they need to go, at first for a set amount of time, example, one month, then allow them back, if they continue with the behaviour then block them for a year.

Its not fair to punish everyone for the behaviour of a few.

The other thing 15-20 kids in the pool??? How come so few arrests???

I think the number was embelished just a little....

At 2/11/06 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The park board had the authority to say from the beginning there has to be supervision at all times.
What were they thinking? These are kids of various ages we are talking about.. Lets hope the park board is learning as they go as well.

At 2/11/06 9:31 PM, Blogger slammer said...

Packerfan long time no write but as always one the of the first things you say comes out as smart as usual.

"I think its a few adults who possibley did some of the dmg."

First I will assume dmg means damage, second that may possibly be the stupidest thing I have ever read, I am serious you really think people like Jeff and I who have kids and familys went to the pool and damaged it one night to get back at the skaters. Do you sleep at night or just daydream and write. Let's not talk about the three kids they have already caught and have admissions, you are right Jeff, I and a few others took hammers and busted up the pool. Now that I am writing this it is the most retarded thing I have ever read, congrats.

I will put my left nut on it, you will volunteer a month or so get bored and the shit that has happened all summer will happen again.

Well at least I found where all the pro skaters hang out. Well this is better than the pool i guess. I will encourage all the pro-skaters to visit my blog later this evening I will have some more comments about the skate park.

I have said this to Eric, I think he is a good kid, he has done none of the crap that has gone on, but I really think he is fighting a losing battle, and his problems are the people he is trying to support.

At 3/11/06 12:19 AM, Blogger Watchin Evansville said...

I don't believe I ever said that adults dmg the pool, I am talking about the trash and other litter around the actual skate park it self,,. There are plenty of adults who act like children when they don't get their way and you and jeff seem to be two of them. You resort to name calling, and accusations about people that you don't even know.

Its not fair to blame all the kids for the actions of a few, just as its not fair to judge all adults by the comments made by you and Jeff.

Why don't you try doing something to help, instead of sitting around complaining? To easy to complain than get off your butt is it not.

It will take alot of work, and it needs to be continous not just, looks good this week, our work here is done.

You really should be careful how you use the word retarded only reflects on you.

If you are not going to help, we don't need to worry about what you think. You are part of the problem.

At 3/11/06 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey look Slammer found a blog where he is allowed on.. Have seen you on the others in quite a while.
Wonder why???

At 3/11/06 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Slammer has his own blog, pretty scarey attitude. He must be pretty damn perfect according to him, anyway. He would never volunteer he is to busy writing crap and complaining about the world around him. He is also the same guy that this summer kept talking about all this ' money' his softball team raised.. Yes maybe in the madison market, and then wanted to know why the small skate park here in Evansville could not raise funds like that. This guy is a joke, and not worth our time.

At 3/11/06 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way Eric, when the time comes, please make sure to post something letting us know you are looking for volunteers, and when you are holding any meetings regarding this. I think its great you are taking this on, trying to make things better, not sitting on your butt complaining. The world needs more people like you. People willing to work to make a change.

At 3/11/06 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know what other towns , citys have done about these same issues. Most of the parks around us are well established, and have had their kinks to work out as well.

I have only read one article about the issue with the pool. So I don't know all the details but where were these parents?? I am assuming this happened at night? I would not think they would be so bold to do this during the day. I have three kids, two that aren't allowed to leave the yard, much less the block, and one teenager who has to be home by 6 oclock at night, and does not leave home with out me playing 20 questions, and if I am told he is going to be somewhere, he better damn well be there, as I do follow up and the call the friend's house phone, not a cell. It takes alot of work, but that is what being a parent is about. I do also understand that not every parent is in a postion that I am, I do understand that single parents have to choose work and being able to feed your kids over chasing them around. I do work as well.I work at the school, and see alot of kids, who are on their own way to much. It is sad. But I have certain expectations, with consq if my kids don't comply. I guess what I am saying is parents need to be held accountable as well.

I would volunteer as well, I could only committ to maybe twice a month,but I am willing.

This guy who posted on this site, thats right tell people how wrong they are, when you are not willing
to make changes your self. Shame on you. Just another person spouting off, who has no desire to making things better.

I would also help with any fund raising you do. I will say lets fix
the problems at the park, before moving on to the west side.

Good luck to you.

At 3/11/06 6:46 AM, Blogger erikendres said...

By the way Eric, when the time comes, please make sure to post something letting us know you are looking for volunteers, and when you are holding any meetings regarding this. I think its great you are taking this on, trying to make things better, not sitting on your butt complaining. The world needs more people like you. People willing to work to make a change.

No problem. News/updates will always be posted on the website. Right now things will be slow as we implement the new mission. First off will meeting with certain city officials about the possibilities of reopening, second will be the start of the brick campaign, and third will be our membership drive which will be taking place in

At 3/11/06 7:23 AM, Blogger Watchin Evansville said...

Will you explain membership drive?
Is there money involved with that, like when you buy a pass to the pool? I don't think thats a bad idea is why I ask. Maybe kids will appreciate it more. The money could then help towards repair in the future, or new equipment in the future.

At 3/11/06 7:28 AM, Blogger erikendres said...

Is there money involved with that, like when you buy a pass to the pool? I don't think thats a bad idea is why I ask. Maybe kids will appreciate it more.

This is a concept we have always agreed against. We don't want people to feel that if they are part of the club, that they own the park and no one else can use it because those users did not pay.

The membership drive will be for those who skate/in-line as well as those who do not. It will include a petition, and a membership form which will ask the person a few questions on how long they have skated (or if they do not skate), what they prefer to skate, etc.

At 3/11/06 8:06 AM, Blogger slammer said...

For all the people that think I do not volunteer at all you are wrong, you are way wrong. I just do not feel the need to talk about it. Maybe one day you will see or maybe you have already seen the extent of my volunteering, so don't push that bullshit onto me. I will leave it at this the volunteering you do in this town, I will bet does not even compare to the extent of what I do.

The skate park is a stupid idea, a lot of us said what would happen and it did. To now go back and try to make it bigger and better should have been done in the first place the lack of control and supervision and follow through is pathetic and for all of you here to now say "I'm in" is a joke, money and time was needed years ago and you knew it and failed to react.

At 3/11/06 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think thats something Slammer you should talk to the park board about, the lack of follow through.
They have the authority, had the authority to say it had to be supervised at all times and they did not. Some of the blame falls on them. They were just way to laid back. Lesson learned, I hope.
You seemed to be pretty full of talk, negative talk.
Did you ever stop to think your kids are listening to you? I hope you don't use the same lanuage in front of them as you do here. I don't know if it makes you feel more grown up to talk like that or what. Make a positive influence and lead by example not your words.

At 3/11/06 9:39 AM, Blogger erikendres said...

They have the authority, had the authority to say it had to be supervised at all times and they did not.

When you supervise a skatepark you remove a degree of "skate at your own risk." The presence of a supervisor carries an implication of enforced responsibility. If Timmy breaks his finger, the person on staff has a certain responsibility to make sure Timmy receives the kind of attention he needs. Without the supervisor, Timmy has to work it out on his own. Although the public (e.g., "free") environment sucks for Timmy at this moment, it's great for the city.

Skaters can also be negligent. The supervisor at a private park must ensure that all skaters ride safely and responsibly. If they allow people to skate in a dangerous or negligence manner, they also assume some of the responsibility. So there's training concerns as skateboarding, does flying down a six foot precipice constitute negligence? Not necessarily. Who trains the supervising staff? How do they define and identify negligence? Many people may argue that "ordinary reasonable people" would not intentionally fall off an 8-foot wall while standing on a board with wheels under it but skaters do it all the time. A skateboarding novice, however, MIGHT be negligent in attempting to drop in on a foot of vert; experienced skaters might not. It's very complicated.

In states that have identified skateboarding as an inherently hazardous sport, all skaters in that state are personally responsible for their own safety. A waiver of liability blankets the state.

At 3/11/06 9:42 AM, Blogger Watchin Evansville said...

Erik I can understand not wanting to charge for using it, I would not want anyone excluded either because they can not pay. I would not want to see any child, excluded for in ability to pay.

Keep us informed . Thanks

At 3/11/06 9:51 AM, Blogger Watchin Evansville said...

So what do you propose to help rein in these kids, who are not acting app>? What would you do different.? I don't know as though you can really count on these kids to police them selves, as I have heard mentioned. Kids tend to be like police officers, solid when it comes to protecting their own right or wrong. My guess is if there were really 15-20 kids in that pool, and only 3? arrests have been made so far, its because of that very reason, they tell on each other. Who ever gets caught, gets caught..

So I am curious as to what you are thinking for changes. I really don't know how you are going to get away without supervision of some sort. I have been to different beaches where there is no life guard, its posted swim at own risk, someone drowned a couple years ago at the one, and sure enough the family sued the city, and the city settled...
I still say the park board could have and should have done more.

At 3/11/06 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am all for the skate park, however you can't have a excuse for everything you don't want to comply with. I was at several of the meetings, when the taught of head gear was brought up. There was a reason for not doing that either. If these kids wants this park they are going to have to learn to live by the rules, and there may have to be supervision .
If someone wants to sue, they will sue regardless of any waiver.

If you step outside your house and walk down the side walk and trip over a crack in the side walk, a crack even ant could maneuver over you could sue the city, they are liable.

If your child is at the park playing in the sand and gets sick from cat poo in the sand, you can sue the city , they are liable.

The city can't protect itself from everything. Its better to take precautions than to hope something does not happen...


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